Joseph Price
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The Saddle Put On The Right Horse: Or An Enquiry Into The Reason Why Certain Persons Have Been Denominated Nabobs (1783)
A ministerial almanack: In which is set forth and clearly explained, the nature and value of every sort of patronage now about to be transfered from ... Company to the Crown. The second edition.
An historical account of Bilston from Alfred the Great to 1831, particularly of the ancient chapel, etc.
A second letter to the Right Honourableedmund Burke, Esq: on the subject of the evidence referred to in the second report of the Select Committee of ... into the state of justice in the provinces
A third letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Esq. on the subject of the evidence contained in the reports of the Select Committee of the House of Commons. With an introductory preface.
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